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Herbal Tea Garden

Regular price $14.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.99 USD
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This Herbal Tea Kit is a wonderful addition to your garden!

The benefits of sipping on herbal tea are many!

This valuable kit includes seeds for:                                 -Chamomile which is wonderful for a calming effect, can in turn, reduce inflammation, digestive issues and anxiety. The aroma alone starts the healing.                                                                                    -Coriander (plant form is cilantro) is great for a detox drink.  It can also lower blood sugar, fight inflammation and even manage anxiety.                          -Lavendar is well known for its calming effects.  The aroma alone can reduce anxiety, depression and fatigue. It is also used for indigestion, gas and bloating.                                                                                  -Peppermint soothes digestion and improves memory and alertness. Inhaling the steam from the tea can create a feeling of breathing easier when having respiratory problems.                                    -Wild Bergamot is the main flavor of Earl Grey tea. It can stimulate circulation in cold hands and feet,  makes a great wound wash and helps with fever and chills.

Whether you enjoy each tea on its own or blend the flavors for a greater depth of flavor, it will be a delicious, satisfying sip, knowing that these teas came straight from your garden!